Oil & Flame

I had been doodling some motorcycle themed ideas for a while when I stumbled across Teemill - a platform which offers you a place to upload your own designs to be printed on demand when ordered. They also use a lot of recycled materials as well as running on renewable energy. I have dabbled with screen printing in the past - when I lived in Brighton I would expose screens at home using an old film photography enlarger and a floodlight! Luckily, Teemill removes all of this mess and faff! My main inspiration over the last few years has been motorcycling - a lot of the ideas for my designs come to me whilst riding! Then all I need to do is try not to forget them before I get a chance to scribble them down!

Why Oil & Flame?

I wanted to come up with a name that encapsulated the essence of riding - the primal elements that allow a motorcycle to function. In traditional terms, it's all about igniting fuel with a spark (flame) whilst oil is the lifeblood of an engine. Hence I threw the two terms together. Yes you can ride an electric bike, but I'm yet to experience an electric vehicle that comes close to the thrill of petrol power. There is something about the noise, smell and vibration of a petrol engine...You can tell that I could waffle about motorcycles all day right?! I'll shut up now - here are some designs!

Winged Spark Plug T-shirt Design Skinflint T-Shirt Design Tar Snakes T-Shirt Design Image

You can check out all of my designs at the OAF website here - oilandflame.com.

I'm always eager to here ideas/opinions on my work - so if you have any thoughts fire me an email!